Winter Sabbatical

The winter Magical Sabbatical session is designed around the theme of “fearless unfolding.” This program is a 60-day immersion in magic, mystery, and spiritual connection designed to develop your intuition, align you with your soul purpose, and release fears that limit your power.
Together, we will unfold our wings and feathers, unleash our inner goddesses, and unlock our divine potential. Think of this time as a little magical oasis where a circle of wise women gather to support,
affirm, and embrace each other while we witness each other’s soul evolution.

How do we do this? Magic.

The Magical Sabbatical works on conscious, subconscious, and energetic levels to uncover patterns of thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that limit your spiritual wingspan. We use gemstones, candle magic, sacred crafting, potion blending, and ritual practice to reveal and heal those patterns and emerge more whole and aligned on the other side. Eight weeks to full transformation. Eight weeks of deep communion with self and sisters.

This program is designed for YOU if you seek:

  • Spiritual and philosophical connection to your divine feminine power – that sensuous, strong, sexy, sanctified being in each of us that longs to be given a voice
  • A fuller understanding of the correspondences and meanings of gems, stones, herbs, flowers, and sacred perfumes, and how to ritually use these items as touchstone reminders of your feminine energy
  • Ritual and ceremony to heighten your awareness of the magic in life and the influences of forces beyond those that act upon your five basic senses
  • Sacred space where you can establish intimate dialogue with kindred spirits and reflect on freedom, sex, love, and wisdom from a divinely feminine perspective


Our opening ceremony will be an open public circle at the Full Moon on November 28, 2012.

  • OPENING CEREMONY: (11/28 – FULL MOON) to celebrate the last full moon before winter, and honor Hecate the crone by giving thanks for and reflecting on the wisdom we have gained this year
  • WEEK 1: SOLITARY PRACTICE with intention setting and creation of winter-themed sacred space
  • WEEK 2: (12/12 – NEW MOON) ENERGETIC TRANSFER WITH MAGICAL WANDS through elements of air, using gems and natural elements to focus energetic movement
  • WEEK 3: SOLITARY PRACTICE adorning your wands with sacred charms and decorations
  • WEEK 4: (12/28 – FULL MOON) CHAKRA PERFUME MAKING through elements of earth, using custom blended perfumes to heal and align chakra points
  • WEEK 5: SOLITARY PRACTICE with chakra meditation and anointing exercise
  • WEEK 6 (1/11 – NEW MOON): ENGAGE THE DREAMSTATE through elements of spirit, asking for guidance in dreamstate and elder Council
  • WEEK 7: SOLITARY PRACTICE with dream medicine bundle crafting
  • WEEK 8 (1/27 – FULL MOON): CLOSE THE CIRCLE through elements of water, committing to action & participating in the chalice ceremony


Materials: You will need to create a sacred space in your home for this program. For ritual activities, you can either purchase the Magical Sabbatical kit from my Etsy shop, gather your own supplies, or use what you have. I will also provide a list of recommended supplies for crafts and class activities when you register.

Physical & Emotional: This program demands that you give up some creature comforts that are keeping you stuck; this will be hard. I will help and inspire you through the release and detox phases. Also, as your perspective shifts those around you will need to accommodate the shift. This may be hard for them. We’ll talk about how to handle transition.

Spiritual: The practices on which this program is built draw from multiple spiritual traditions; your open-mindedness is requested and required.

Financial: The eight-week program is $135, paid monthly, and includes access to the program materials and weekly videoconference, and the online sanctuary support system. When you sign up for the Magical Sabbatical, you get the complete ritual set specially designed for this course (candle, gems, and perfume oil).


You can sign up for the Magical Sabbatical in our membership center at:

4 thoughts on “Winter Sabbatical

  1. I’m so looking forward to continuing my journey with you Athena! Exciting! Seatbelt is fastened tight! :0) Love you xo <3

  2. Hi Athena
    A few questions….
    Is this course full?
    What time is the opening ceramony? If I miss that can I still participate in the course?
    Do you ship the kits to Canada?
    Do I need ANY previous knowledge/experience in this practice? (I have very little)

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