Attract all that you seek with these incense cones! These incense cones are infused with my Manifestation Perfume, an abundance-attracting blend of balm of Gilead, vanilla, patchouli, frankincense, myrrh, and Peruvian balsam.

This tuning fork is tuned to 210 Hz — also known as the Moon frequency. It’s engraved with our beautiful SG logo and comes in light blue. This offering also comes with a wooden rubber-tipped mallet and a custom SG velvet bag for safe storage.

This tabletop fountain is crafted entirely from resin, showcasing a ‘crystal ball’ at the top with water gently cascading down. It also comes with a light, so your waterfall can continue to soothe, even at night! You’ll also receive an instruction manual.

Aquamarine is a crystal of the sea with a calming and cooling vibration that enhances intuition, imagination, and creativity. Emotionally balancing and healing, aquamarine crystal honors the light and the shadow.

Blue calcite is the harmony stone, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies. Blue calcite also clears and activates the Throat Chakra and connects you to your highest truth. It makes it easy for you to articulate your deepest wisdom and express yourself safely.

Blue calcite is the harmony stone, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies. It helps manifest peace, love, and compassion in families. Blue calcite is emotionally soothing and relaxing, providing a gentle energetic shield. Working with crystal flames helps you stay connected to your lower chakras and grounded.

Dragonstone is a protective gem that holds millions of years of Earth wisdom. Dragonstone channels all the strength, magic, and lore of its namesake. Work with this generator to step into your power and let your spirit soar.

Are you searching for a talisman to keep you safe and stable? This Polished Colombian Amber is here to protect you and repel anything dark. Work with this offering to burn away any lower vibration and bring in energies of wellness and optimism.