We handcrafted this tantalizing oil right here at SG with an apricot kernel base and notes of bird of paradise, honey, and blue raspberry. I designed this oil specifically to ignite your passion and encourage the exploration of your sensual delights!

Tap into maternal energy whenever you’re in need. We designed this crystal quad to invoke the nurturing, unconditional love of the Great Mother. She’s the Mother who is always there, awake, tending the fire, keeping you warm and held in her mindful embrace.

Fascia jasper is about connectivity on all levels. It heals the fascia, the connective tissue found everywhere in the body, but also connects you deeply with yourself. Work with this piece to get into your body and activate your natural healing abilities.

This sphere swirls with two Heart Chakra stones that help you cope, move on, and confidently love again. Work with this beautiful striated sphere to surround yourself with gentle vibrations of hope whenever your heart is hurting.

This gem brings feelings of stability, support, harmony, and balance. It aids emotional healing, helping you release negative emotions and embrace peace and tranquility. This potent piece will help you feel more centered, serene, and aligned.

This sparkling specimen of white aragonite looks just like coral. It forms within subterranean pools of mineral-rich water, bringing a fluidity to its crystalline structure. To add to the magic, it’s coated in a fine layer of tiny aragonite crystals.

Treat yourself to multiple divine scents, experiment, and find your favorite with my Perfume Sample Trio! With this offering, you can select three samples from my selection of Sage Goddess perfumes — and now, it includes some of my newest blends!

In Latin, ‘septaria’ means ‘cracks,’ and I work with this stone to honor the cracks within. Every step and experience on my spiritual journey has led me to where I am today — and septarian helps me embrace all of them.