• Song of Anat Perfume

      for endurance and empowerment

      If you missed out on June’s Full Moon tools that I’m working with in ritual tonight, no worries. You can still experience my Song of Anat Perfume, which is now available on its own. This perfume was originally part of my Full Moon God and...
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    • Gaudium Perfume

      for illumination and happiness

      In Latin, the word gaudium means joy - and that feeling of radiant happiness is exactly what my Gaudium Perfume brings. This is a proprietary blend that’s perfect for summertime, and it’s infused with notes of freesia, tangerine, sweet orange, and vanilla bean. It also...
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    • Tumbled Pink Opal

      for transformation in love and heart TLC

      How’s your heart doing? If it could use a little TLC, this Tumbled Pink Opal is here for you. These tranquil gems are radiating with loving energy, and they’re beautiful yet powerful tools to keep close as you delve into your heart and soul work....
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    • Tumbled Fire Agate: Medium

      for passion and motivation

      This Tumbled Fire Agate from Mexico is a gem of motivation, action, vitality, creativity, passion, and grounding. Fire agate is the stone to work with when you need to take action and find direction in life. It aids in decision-making and pushes you forward in...
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    • Tumbled Opalite

      for intuition and business success

      Are you searching for deeper insights on how to call more success into your life? Are you looking to develop your intuition? If so, this Tumbled Opalite is your coach in crystal form. Although man-made, opalite combines the qualities and magic of three gemstones -...
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    • Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz

      for cosmic growth

      Are you looking for a powerful connection to your highest self? This Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz from Brazil is a crystal of spiritual empowerment. It embodies the medicine of growth and works as a catalyst of change and transformation. Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz...
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    • Tumbled Azurite

      for vision and psychic mastery

      This Tumbled Azurite from the Congo is a powerful talisman of psychic mastery, vision, confidence, and intellect. Azurite, also known as the Priestess Stone, was prized by Cleopatra, who believed it to grant her supernatural powers. It was also revered by famed clairvoyant Edgar Cayce,...
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    • Ruby Kyanite Sphere

      to raise life force and balance chakras

      Raise your life force and balance your chakras with this Ruby Kyanite Sphere from India! This piece combines the life force energy of ruby and the chakra-balancing magic of blue kyanite - one of my favorite stone combinations! Ruby is the gem of passion, life...
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    • Let Go and Lighten Up Green Apatite Generator

      Welcome in greater wellness and overall well-being with this Let Go and Lighten Up Green Apatite Generator from India. Green apatite is a stone of wellness. It activates the Heart Chakra, supports healthy weight loss, and regulates metabolism. Green apatite helps bring your body easefully...
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    • Clear Quartz Sacred Geometry Wand

      for expansion

      This Clear Quartz Sacred Geometry Wand from India is a tool of expansive mystery and wonder. Clear quartz is the most pervasive crystal in the gem world and has three major properties: Amplification, programmability, and magnification. It can be used to boost the energies of...
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    • Crystal Masters June 2021 Tools: Ultra Happiness Bonded Sphere

      Hi, Crystal Masters. If you missed out on the Crystal Masters June 2021 tools, you’re in luck! We’re offering this Ultra Happiness Bonded Sphere again. In June, we’re working with joy and happiness, and our tool for this month is a custom-made sphere, carved from...
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    • Tumbled Lemurian Blue Calcite

      for happiness, peace, and healing

      <p>Lemurian blue calcite is a magical gem that brings happiness and peace. It opens and activates the Throat Chakra to promote clear, optimistic, and peaceful communication. This stone also resonates with the Heart Chakra to bring deep, emotional healing. It works powerfully at deflecting negative energies.</p>
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    • Small Tumbled Smoky Quartz

      for protection, purification, and grounding

      Walk into 2021 protected, purified, and grounded with this Small Tumbled Smoky Quartz. Smoky quartz is my partner in magic. Almost more than any other stone - and that's a huge statement for me to make! It helps me with the process and the outcome...
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    • Nellite: Medium Tumbled

      for courage and transformation

      This Tumbled Nellite from South Africa is your ally during periods or seasons of expansion and big shifts. Nellite, also known as golden skies pietersite, is a stone that supports you through times of major growth and transformation. It’s a combination of pietersite, golden tiger’s...
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    • Sweet Dreams Sodalite Palm Stone

      for peaceful sleep

      Hold this Sweet Dreams Sodalite Palm Stone from India and fall into a deep sleep where pleasant visions await you. Sodalite is the dreamcatcher stone and is known for its ability to bring peaceful sleep and rest. It’s perfect for keeping on your bedside table...
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    • Moonstone and Clear Quartz Magical Moon Tray

      If you’re looking for a beautiful space to place your jewelry, crystals, and other sacred tools, this Moonstone and Clear Quartz Magical Moon Tray from India is for you! This tray was custom-made for Sage Goddess. It’s made of resin and features rainbow moonstone for...
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    Showing 3425–3440 of 3739 results