You asked, and we heard you! Introducing our Selva Incense Sticks — the latest in our line of deep jungle magic. ‘Selva’ means ‘jungle’ in Spanish. And these incense sticks bring the mystical depths of the Yucatan Jungle right into your sacred space.

I’ll be crafting this seductive incense blend with a makko base for easy, charcoal-free burning. It will come in a gorgeous orange jar, and to add to the magic, we’ll include a tumbled labradorite in each jar to help you go after your heart’s desires.

We crafted this grounding blend right here at SG with some of my favorite ingredients for manifesting wealth and abundance. Work with this potent blend to clear stagnant energy and infuse your space with energies of prosperity and success.

Attract all that you seek with these incense cones! These incense cones are infused with my Manifestation Perfume, an abundance-attracting blend of balm of Gilead, vanilla, patchouli, frankincense, myrrh, and Peruvian balsam.

My Transformation Incense Sticks are ready to kick-start true change from the inside out. They’re infused with my Transformation Perfume, a sweet and fruity blend of mango for vitality, plum for love, and magnolia blossom for strength.

Infuse your smudging practice with ancient insight with this Stromatolite Incense Burner. Work with this offering to burn your favorite SG resin incense and incense cones and fill your space with ancient magic and power beyond our time.

This two-piece set is made of iron with a golden finish, featuring a leaf-shaped dish and burner lid to hold your favorite incense cones and loose herb blends. Place this offering on your altar or anywhere in your home to lift the vibration.