Iolite, also known as cordierite, guides you in understanding what your heart truly wants. It helps you find your way through the voyage of life. Wear this ring to call forth guidance and expanded insight, no matter where you roam.

Shadow season and Samhain is the best time to connect with your lineage, and this Ancestral Connection Crystal Grid will help you open that door. This offering is a custom Sage Goddess-designed set that features everything you need to connect with the other side.

We handcrafted this blend right here at SG with three of the most sacred and holy clearing ingredients — revered throughout various spiritual traditions. Some even believe these herbs are more powerful in clearing than white sage!

Silver leaf jasper is a highly protective stone for journeying — in both the physical and spiritual worlds. It balances your physical body to ground and connect you with the Earth, protecting you as you travel during meditation.