Noreena jasper was named after the property where it was first found — Noreena Station in Western Australia. This beautiful stone strengthens, heals, comforts, and brings freedom from constraints.

If there ever comes a time when you need a reminder of your regal and loving nature, this Lapis Lazuli Heart will help. Hold this offering anytime you desire to look into your heart and get in touch with your royalty.

This sacred adornment features Libyan gold tektite, the rarest of all tektites — glass-like objects created by meteorite collisions with terrestrial rocks. It’s millions of years old, formed in the Sahara Desert, and shaped by the blowing sands of time.

This freeform polished crystal slice is custom-made just for SG. It’s the perfect resting place for your favorite gems, jewelry, and magical tools. Work with this beautiful piece to infuse you and your space with the energies of wellness, kindness, and grace.

Rhodonite is a gentle stone that opens your heart and mind to feelings of tenderness, generosity, and altruism. This crystal encourages selfless actions, motivating you to be of service to those around you. Work with this stone to soften and heal your heart and share your love with the world. 

Quan Yin is the Chinese goddess of compassion who brings comfort to all people. Her gentle presence and heart-centered energy are powerfully magnified when her likeness is carved into clear quartz. Place this offering on your altar or anywhere in your space for a boost of the compassion and love you deserve!