<p>Pink amethyst is a rare version of amethyst. It has the same peaceful vibration and extra emphasis on love, healing, and patience. Some pieces contain little druzy pockets of sparkling crystal peeking through, bringing another layer of tranquility.</p>
<p>This black rubber activator is custom-made for SG and features stunning full-moon artwork. Tuning fork activators help you get a more robust, sustained tone and work better than mallets.</p>
<p>Prehnite is the healer’s stone that holds you as you hold others, bringing comfort and peace. Clinozoisite is a rare stone that increases vitality, enhances optimism and hope, and promotes patience.</p>
<p>Aquamarine is a crystal of the sea with a calming and cooling vibration that enhances intuition, imagination, and creativity. Emotionally balancing and healing, aquamarine crystal honors the light and the shadow.</p>
<p>Blue hemimorphite is a healer at heart. It brings well-being to the emotional body, heals the Throat Chakra for open and honest communication, and mends relationships.</p>
<p>Blue calcite is the harmony stone, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies. Blue calcite also clears and activates the Throat Chakra and connects you to your highest truth. It makes it easy for you to articulate your deepest wisdom and express yourself safely.</p>
My Magic Perfume was originally made almost ten years ago. After all this time and numerous requests, I have remade it with the exact original ingredients AND the original bottle! A limited release of an OG Sage Goddess classic, one final time, for all who...
<p>Are you searching for a talisman to keep you safe and stable? This Polished Colombian Amber is here to protect you and repel anything dark. Work with this offering to burn away any lower vibration and bring in energies of wellness and optimism.</p>
<p>This rare mineral activates the Third Eye Chakra to help you open your senses and let go of control. It helps you realize that your personal limitations are only an illusion. Work with this Afghanite Heart to see yourself, life, and all its opportunities in a whole new light.</p>
<p>Sulfur quartz is transformative in nature. It’s a unique yellow variety of quartz that activates the Solar Plexus Chakra to help you push past any hesitation. This dendritic sulfur quartz is extra special because it contains beautiful fern-like manganese inclusions.</p>
<p>My Om Engraved Palo Santo offers deep healing across all planes — mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Smudge your space with this offering to deepen meditation, raise the vibe, and activate Om’s divine magic.</p>
<p>Lepidolite forms an energetic barrier against negativity, dissipating it, and is one of the best crystals for relieving stress. It lightens moods, regulates emotions, and has a calming, relaxing, and easing effect.</p>
<p>Take care of both body and soul with this Tumbled Tibetan Quartz! Work with this profoundly healing offering to purify and renew your body, mind, and spirit whenever needed.</p>
<p>Angel aura rhodonite is a gentle stone of compassion that opens your heart and mind to tenderness and selfless actions. It creates a powerful channel between your Heart and Root Chakras, allowing energy to flow freely between them.</p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you’re looking to bring peace and harmony into your home, this custom-made Blue Calcite Sphere is a beautiful place to start. </span> It’s a soothing gem, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies.</p>
<p>Sugilite raises your vibration and supports physical well-being. Manganese, which grounds this gem’s wellness energy and brings strength and stabilization. Richterite helps you understand the root cause of health issues.</p>