Lemurian blue calcite is a magical gem that brings happiness, peace, and past-life wisdom. In the shape of a wand, you can direct Lemurian blue calcite’s healing energies to yourself and those around you!

Blue calcite is the harmony stone, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies. Blue calcite also clears and activates the Throat Chakra and connects you to your highest truth. It makes it easy for you to articulate your deepest wisdom and express yourself safely.

Blue calcite is the harmony stone, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies. It helps manifest peace, love, and compassion in families. Blue calcite is emotionally soothing and relaxing, providing a gentle energetic shield. Working with crystal flames helps you stay connected to your lower chakras and grounded.

White calcite is a crystal of contentment and clarity. This crystal helps strengthen your spiritual practice and understanding. If you’re being called to connect more deeply with Source, white calcite raises consciousness and awakens psychic abilities.

Orange calcite is a stone of endurance, charisma, and sexual energy. It intensifies creativity, pleasure, and passion. Work with this offering to tap into your inner fire, unleash those sexual desires, and feel alive.

Pineapple calcite, also known as yellow calcite, is a stone of purification that helps remove unwanted energies holding you back. It activates the Solar Plexus Chakra, boosting vitality, action, and confidence.

If you’re looking to bring peace and harmony into your home, this custom-made Blue Calcite Sphere is a beautiful place to start. It’s a soothing gem, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies.

Lemurian blue calcite is a magical gem that brings happiness and peace and connects to both water and earth energies. It opens and activates the Throat Chakra to promote clear, optimistic, and peaceful communication in this dimension and with others.

This juicy Orange Calcite Heart is here to quench all your creative and carnal cravings. Orange calcite is a stone of endurance, charisma, and sexual energy. It’s an aphrodisiac that activates the Sacral Chakra for intensified creativity, pleasure, and passion.

Blue calcite clears and activates the Throat Chakra and connects you to your highest truth. Its beautiful color eases the heart, mind, and soul, making this gemstone the perfect piece to keep close whenever you need a moment of zen.

Step into balance on all levels with this sphere. Fire calcite is found in Mexico and is a relatively recent discovery in the gem world. This stone glows with a gorgeous shimmer like a smoldering flame, filling your body and spirit with that same rejuvenating, centering energy.