Super 7 is a combination of seven potent minerals. It’s one of the most healing combinations on the planet! While each rune in this set has different minerals visible, they all hold the entirety of super 7 energy, which is something to behold.

In times of change and transition, this generator is your source of stability, wisdom, and support. Maligano jasper holds the magic of transformation and rebirth. Shaped as a generator, it becomes a potent talisman of unwavering stability.

Sunstone and carnelian crystal activate the Sacral Chakra, your center of passion, life force, and pleasure. The clear quartz point on this wand amplifies the empowering energy of the other gems, sealing and magnifying your intentions.

Just as bees turn their efforts into golden nectar, this custom-curated gridding set has everything you need to manifest your sweetest, honey-coated dreams, including an extra-special yellow aventurine hexagon gridding plate.

Nellite, or golden skies pietersite, is a stone that supports you through times of major change and personal evolution. It’s a natural combination of pietersite, golden tiger’s eye, and blue tiger’s eye.

Tap into your divinity with my Saint Germain Perfume – an alchemist’s dream that captures the quintessential essence of the Violet Ray. It’s a beautiful combination of violet for peace and abundance and orris butter for purification, protection, and divination.

Satyaloka quartz is an extremely rare gemstone that acts as a catalyst for spiritual development, accelerating your journey toward higher consciousness. Work with this generator to experience a profound shift in your spiritual growth toward enlightenment.