Blue tiger’s eye is the rarest variety of tiger’s eye and brings a profound sense of tranquility and divine understanding. It’s considered a priestess stone and is truly mysterious gem and one we don’t have in the shop very often.

We sourced this incredibly rare stone from China. It features an extraordinary natural combination of copper ores: Cuprite and chrysocolla. Shimmering veins of copper accentuate the rich red cuprite and bright blue-green chrysocolla.

Rosetta jasper is a stunning form of crazy lace agate and a mix of quartz, jasper, and agate. It helps you release pessimistic thinking to make space for optimism, fresh ideas, and hope.

Could you use a little more loving care in your life? Call that energy into any space with this custom-made Mangano Calcite Generator. Pink mangano calcite carries tender energies that help heal the inner child and a broken heart.

Rise into your most confident self with this Pyrite with Golden Quartz Generator! Custom-made just for Sage Goddess with stone…

African bloodstone is a crystal of courage and grounding that brings rejuvenation, endurance, protection, and strength. Many turn to this stone for pain relief and healing of any kind. It helps you find the spiritual warrior within to persevere.

This rare gemstone combination is a recent discovery, and it’s absolutely dazzling! It’s an exceptionally powerful union of sunstone for leadership, mica for wisdom, and quartz for amplification.

Peach moonstone is a powerful Sacral Chakra stone that boosts creativity and brings artistic inspiration. It’s also a manifestation stone — especially in manifesting creative ideas and projects.