If you’re an Apothecary member but hesitant about the tools subscription, this is the perfect opportunity to test it out. See what our kits are all about and join in the fun as we work with them together in class!

Blue calcite is the harmony stone, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies. Blue calcite also clears and activates the Throat Chakra and connects you to your highest truth. It makes it easy for you to articulate your deepest wisdom and express yourself safely.

Blue calcite is the harmony stone, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies. It helps manifest peace, love, and compassion in families. Blue calcite is emotionally soothing and relaxing, providing a gentle energetic shield. Working with crystal flames helps you stay connected to your lower chakras and grounded.

Just like its name implies, golden healer quartz is a healing gem. It supports self-healing, prioritizing well-being, and improving good habits. It returns your full luminescent power to you, allowing you to move more confidently in the world.

If you’re looking to bring peace and harmony into your home, this custom-made Blue Calcite Sphere is a beautiful place to start. It’s a soothing gem, especially when it comes to harmonizing family energies.

This offering comes with four crystals that help you invoke Aries’s fierce, daring, and enthusiastic energy. During the height of this fiery astrological season, these gems will be your allies!

Blue calcite clears and activates the Throat Chakra and connects you to your highest truth. Its beautiful color eases the heart, mind, and soul, making this gemstone the perfect piece to keep close whenever you need a moment of zen.

Treat yourself to multiple divine scents, experiment, and find your favorite with my Perfume Sample Trio! With this offering, you can select three samples from my selection of Sage Goddess perfumes — and now, it includes some of my newest blends!