These tins correspond to one of the nine primary chakras — starting with the Earth Star Chakra and ending with the Soul Star Chakra. Each has a magical offering to help heal and activate its corresponding energy center.

This gorgeous offering is a halo of healing, high-vibrational energy ready to transport you to a place of peace. It was made just for SG with two super special stones — pink scolecite, one of the Synergy 12 stones, and Super 7, a potent stone we rarely use in our jewelry!

If you know me, you know Brandberg amethyst is my favorite type of amethyst and one of my top ten favorite gemstones of all time. This stone offers the discovery of our soul’s ancient and eternal oneness with the universe — the blueprint of our essence and energy.

To create this mist, we blended my Empath and Shield Perfumes together. It has notes of neroli, lavender, bamboo, crocus flower, palo santo, and sage. Spritz some of this mist to shield your aura, protect your space, and keep your vibration pure.

This headband was custom-made for Sage Goddess and features a stretchable metal frame adorned with small super 7 beads. Super 7 brings peace, calms the nervous system, and helps relieve stress.

This set is curated to help you release the energies holding you back or keeping you stuck on your soul journey. It comes with my Release Perfume, a magic beeswax candle, a black tourmaline gridding plat, and a stone set comprised of five healing and releasing gems.