Litha and the Summer Solstice

Litha: A Time to Shine & Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Litha, also known as the summer solstice, is the longest day of the year — the Sun’s day. The Sun is the center of our solar system. At Litha, a doorway in time opens, which our ancestors viewed as sacred and holy. The veil between our world and the mystical realm thins. Litha is a grand portal of energy, space, and opportunity. It’s a chance to let go of fears, doubts, and insecurities.

The Manifestation Magic of Litha

Litha is also known as the Festival of Growth. Summer is a time to celebrate all that is coming to fruition. Mother Earth is generous, giving more than we need, and we experience deep feelings of abundance. The summer solstice symbolizes the fruit of life. Plants, herbs, and flowers are in full bloom. This is a great moment to meditate on what lies ahead in the year for you. Read your tarot cards, get an astrology reading, scry in your spheres and mirrors, ask of your pendulum, and see what insight comes to you. 

How to Harness the Energy of the Summer Solstice

Here are three simple ways to tap into the solar energy and manifestation power of Litha this summer:

Fire Element Altar

Create a Litha altar using elements that evoke summer, light, and vitality. Opt for orange, red, and yellow candles with oils like tangerine, clove, and cardamom. Incorporate fiery gemstones such as fire opal and carnelian. Add totems of Litha symbols like bees, faeries, summer birds, and the Sun. 

Summer Flowers

Gather some summertime flowers — calendula, sunflower, and rose are some of our favorites! Flowers are an easy way to brighten your space and celebrate nature. They also remind you of your own beauty and ability to bloom. Create a centerpiece for your table or even make a wreath for your hair.

Charge Your Crystals

Charge your favorite gemstones under the shining Sun to infuse them with pure solar energy! Bring them in before nightfall, and they’ll radiate solar energy during the darkest months. You can hold them in meditation anytime you need an infusion of light and warmth. Be careful though — some gems like amethyst and larimar can actually fade with too much Sun exposure!

3 Crystals to Work With on the Summer Solstice

  • Spessartine Garnet: Known as the ‘garnet of the Sun.’ It’s a manifestation stone that helps you actualize your heart’s desires. This stone activates the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras, helping you stay grounded and pursue your ideas with confidence and power.
  • Peridot: A manifestation crystal that brings good luck, good fortune, and prosperity. As a stone of the Sun and self-actualization, it strengthens your dedication and leadership abilities.
  • Citrine: Has a sunny and bright disposition that imparts wonder, delight, and enthusiasm. It’s a stimulant that strengthens intellectual and creative thinking and encourages motivation and self-expression.

However you celebrate Litha and the summer solstice, take a little time to breathe in the sweetness of summer. Do things that uplift your spirit, and when you can, take a break from work and just feel the pleasure of being alive. 

Learn more about The Wheel of the Year